Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I haven't been real active with my Etsy account and haven't listed anything in some time now. Just like everything else, it's kinda fallen to the side. Yesterday I was speaking with someone from Germany that was interested in some beads I had listed. I spoke with her and adjusted the listings so that she could purchase them and made the sale today. I'm happy about that, now I have a little bit of money and I should really list some more stuff. I really need to do some spring cleaning of my supplies. I have sooooooooooooooooo much of it.

I'm still waiting on the stuff I orderd so that I can complete the custom pendant request. I really think that this will be a better solution and hold up better than the original idea.

I've had thoughts of sculpting again. This time instead of a mermaid, a fairy comes to mind. I stopped by Jerry's Artorama a few weeks back and they finally had the 00 size clay/paint removers. I bought 2 then and need to get the other 2 sometime this weekend. I think they will help my face sculpting and hand sculpting issues. Thinking about all the things to be done this week and the weekend, looks like I'll be pretty busy for the latter half of the week.

Right now, I'm just trying to breathe. Allergies are kicking my butt at the moment. I'm guessing it's because of the mold count and the weather changes. Seems like about this time of year I start getting an allergy that ends up being a cold. I try to medicate but it seems that by taking the meds I just get sicker. BLEH!

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