Well, it's taken me a few days to get over here. Work has picked up and will really be busy for the next week or so.
Despite today being a day to remember those we've lost, I have news of new life, new beginnings. On Tuesday, 9-9-08 My SIL gave birth to my niece, Mikaela Rae at 5:30am Hawaiian Time. Yesterday my coworker also gave birth to a little girl.
Looks like a have a few baby albums to make. Actually I'm behind, I have 3 to make or is it 2. I know I made an album when my nephew was born and I think I made an album when his lil sister was born. I definetly have 3 albums to make maybe 4. I didn't make an album for my other brother's daughter or did I. It seems lately that I can't remember. I'm having a serious case of CRS (can't remember shit). I might have to start leaving myself notes. LOL! I think I'll just make 2 albums, one for all the girls in my young brother's family, which there are 3 now and make one for my youngest brother. I should have all the supplies I need, maybe more fabri-tac but I might have enough. I love that stuff, it's great glue and I have several bottles of it right now.
Anywho, I need to get back to work, not that I want to but I have to.
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